Let’s envision the future of Downtown Denver together.
About the Plan
Denver’s Downtown Area Plan, last updated in 2007, is a tool to help community leaders, decision-makers, and community members build upon downtown’s assets and guide future development and public investment to reflect the community’s vision for a livable, healthy, sustainable and vibrant downtown. Launched in September 2024, the City and County of Denver, in partnership with the Downtown Denver Partnership, is embarking on an exciting year-long journey to envision the future of Downtown Denver. Over the next 12 months, we’ll be working closely with the community to craft a bold and visionary plan for downtown. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to share your ideas and stay engaged along the way—so don’t forget to sign up for our email list and keep an eye on our webpage for upcoming events!
Plan Boundary
Downtown Denver is made up of dynamic neighborhoods that fuel the center city’s character and economy. Since the 2007 Downtown Area Plan was published, downtown neighborhoods including Auraria, Central Platte Valley, Ballpark, Arapahoe Square, Upper Downtown and Golden Triangle have received their own separate plans and have seen significant redevelopment proposals and activity since. This planning process will include recommendations for all downtown neighborhoods while acknowledging that each area of downtown is at different points in its development cycle and may need varying levels of plan guidance. The full study area is a 2.5 square mile area bounded by the South Platte River on the west, Park Avenue on the north, Grant Street on the east, and Speer Boulevard and Colfax on the south. This plan will also consider the interconnected nature this geography has with its surrounding neighborhoods
Process + Timeline
The Downtown Area Plan will be a comprehensive, inclusive community process that will occur over the 10-12 months, beginning in September 2024 and ending in Summer/Fall of 2025. It will involve four distinct phases of work to engage community members to establish a vision for the future of the district.
Project Schedule
Project Goals
The Downtown planning process will have multiple opportunities for the public to be involved and provide their input. There will be numerous public meetings and events scattered around Downtown. Continue to check the website so you can be sure to know of opportunities on the horizon!
Unable to make a public meeting or simply want to talk to us and tell us more? Come visit us as the new Downtown Area Plan Community Studio on the 16th Street Mall. For questions or concerns, please contact SasakiDAPpm@sasaki.com.
Get Involved
We are eager to hear from you about your vision for Downtown Denver. Please use the form below to share any questions, comments, or concerns.
Early in the planning process, an applicant-based Community Advisory Committee was established, comprised of community members, neighborhood organization representatives, educational institutions, landowners within the planning area, businesses, and advocacy groups. This Committee will meet every month throughout the planning process to provide community-based direction and guidance to the plan.
Advisory Committee Members
Mark Johnson
Beth Gruitch
Angeles Ortegat
Jill Locantore
Marlene Bedoya
Rodney Milton
Eric Lazarri
Andrew Cushen
Stephen Brackett
Glen Lucero
Carl Meese
Heather Covey
Rhys Duggan
Mike Neary
Sarah Rockwell
Susan Powers
Fredrick Glick
David Roberts
Lisa Pope
Alexander Hubert
Anthony Clark
Richard Farley
Bill Sirois
Benjamin Kinghorn
Luis Ponce
MC Genova
Andrew Illtis
Sarah Showalter